April 22nd is Earth Day, a time to demonstrate support for the preservation and care of our environment. For anglers and rod builder’s alike, maintaining the health of our natural resources, especially our fisheries and the ecosystems that support them, is paramount. At Mud Hole, we look for ways to make a positive impact every day. This Earth Day, we look at three ways to celebrate, whether helping with an environmental cause or simply getting out on the water to appreciate nature’s beauty.
#1 – Help Protect & Maintain Our Natural Resources
One way that Mud Hole has been able to contribute to the preservation of our coastal communities has been to partner with Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) Florida. CCA’s vision is to ensure the health and conservation of our marine resources and anglers’ access to them. This is accomplished in a variety of ways, through a host of different action-oriented programs. Mud Hole supports CCA through financial contributions as well as through volunteerism. The Mud Hole team is dominated by anglers who hit the water every chance they get, and who are committed to getting their hands dirty to protect the natural resources that we all enjoy. Here are some ways that Mud Hole has been able to contribute...and you can too!Shuck & Share - With volunteers from every Mud Hole department, the team dove into the Shuck & Share oyster habitat rehabilitation program with both feet. 515 oyster gabions (or “pillows”) were assembled from oyster shells donated by restaurants across Central Florida. These gabions are used to create new oyster habitats along the shores of the Indian River Lagoon.
Release the East - Mud Hole is working with CCA in their East Coast Redfish Restocking Initiative – financially supporting a multifaceted campaign to restore redfish populations in Florida’s Indian River Lagoon. From catching the brood stock, to spawning and growing out the fry at the Duke Energy Mariculture Center, and then releasing juvenile redfish, Mud Hole is committed to supporting the health and sustainability of one of Florida’s most iconic fisheries.Building Clam Habitats – Mud Hole team members joined CCA and an armada of volunteers to create new habitats for clams in the Banana River. A natural filter and vital member of the ecosystem, the clams will support the health of the surrounding waterways and fisheries, ensuring that generations to come will be able to enjoy this natural setting. The team of volunteers seeded 30,000 clams along the riverbed.
#2 – Build a Custom Fishing Rod
Before you can get out on the water and enjoy its natural beauty you need to have the best equipment. We may be a little bit biased, but Mud Hole suggest building your own rod, to your own specs and preferences. If you’re going to get out there and enjoy the outdoors, you need to bring the fishing gear that will get the job done!
Customizable Rod Building Kits – if you want to make it easy, shop Mud Hole’s rod kits, outfitted with rod blanks from either CRB or MHX. Available in spinning, casting, fresh, and salt, we have kits that will work for almost any angler. The advantage of purchasing a kit is that they have been designed by professional rod builders, so you don’t have to worry about choosing the perfect combination of rod blank and components – the pros have already done it for you! Just pick your rod blank color, pick your handle option (full, split, EVA, cork), and add to your cart – everything you need is in the kit. And, if you need rod building tools and supplies, the Complete Rod Building Start-Up Supply Kit (FSB-2) is a best seller and has everything you need!
#3 – Get Outside!
The best part of nature is being in it! This Earth Day, make it a point to get outside. Whether onboard or onshore, fishing with friends and family (or other activities…but we recommend fishing!) is a great way to experience all of the natural blessings we might take for granted in our daily lives.And, if you’re heading offshore for snapper at your favorite wreck site, tailing reds inshore with your MHX Carbon Fiber Push Pole, testing out your latest ultralight build for panfish on the lake, or surfcasting for whiting with your toes in the sand and a frothy beverage by your side, make sure to protect yourself from the sun with the required sun block and the proper attire. Mud Hole carries a wide variety of short- and long-sleeve shirts as well as hats and visors to keep you in the shade.