We get to see what you guys are building every day on the Mud Hole Live Rod Builder’s Facebook Group, but what kind of rods are our employees here at Mud Hole Building?
Let’s dive into what builds our Customer Service, Mud Hole Advantage, Media Team, & Bob are working on or recently finished.
We’ll talk about what makes each build special and give you a link to a saved cart where you can see all the parts each custom rod is built with! One click to buy it!
Jack Conrad - Customer Service Associate
PB&J Inshore Rod
Parts List in Saved Shopping Cart: https://mudhole.com/a/saved-carts/92BWZ5VY

It’s hard to get more sleek than this rod, build wise. The Phenix M1 Vortex essentially has a built in rear grip with the way the butt of the rod flares out and Jack built it out with no fore grip. Just the American Tackle Apex reel seat. It has Fuji Polished SiC KLH High Frame guides with an Arowana tip 🤑, and don’t forget (how could you) the beautiful paint job by Backbone Custom Rods. PB&J green and purple. Jack is a high end builder. He likes the best of the best, and he’s not afraid to build it. This will go on to be a black drum rod in the winter and a snook, tarpon and redfish rod the other 11 months of the year here in Florida.
Mo Fernandez - Mud Hole Advantage Associate
Lightweight Bass & Inshore Rod
Parts List in Saved Shopping Cart: https://mudhole.com/a/saved-carts/3MJ4VLO3

Mo’s style of build elevates with almost every rod we see him build. This one features a really cool tiger wrap, custom cork grips and flamboyant color choices. He outfitted his MHX 6’10” DS822 Drop Shot blank with a Palm Swell Reel seat and a Microwave guide set.
He builds all types of rods. I mean ALL. He built a California Jig Stick with a Turk's head knot on it recently, and I don’t think he’s ever even fished California. We don’t ask questions with him, but we can assume it’s probably for a side trip he has planned while at the PCS show in L.A. next year.
Mo’s grip set on this rod means more than your average grips. These were handmade by one of his good customers Mark Davis, who recently passed away. Another of our good friends and customers Vinny Conwell acquired Mark’s workshop setup with his blanks and parts, and gifted Mo this set of grips.
Evan Hebert - Customer Service Associate
9’ 30-50lb Tarpon Rod
Parts List in Saved Shopping Cart: https://mudhole.com/a/saved-carts/3K24J6PY

Evan is making a name for himself in our Central Florida area building inshore and inlet rods. The Bushido 3K blank series he built this Tarpon rod on has been without a doubt the most popular snook, tarpon, and redfish blank to come out in the last few years.
He built this rod for the sort of infamous Blake Marchetto. 1 of 2 twins (not the blue ReelTree hat one), who can undoubtedly fish.
Traditionally on a build like this, you'll see a size 30 Double Foot Fuji K guide as the stripper (first guide). Evan went with a size 40 to accommodate a Van Staal VS200 or an 8K Saragosa, and the size of their larger spools.
Evan’s Madeira thread 8 axis chevron wrap was inspired by the colors on Mexican serape blankets.
Jake Harris - Customer Service Associate
Daytime Swordfish / Group Trolling Rod
Parts List in Saved Shopping Cart: https://mudhole.com/a/saved-carts/9WP28EQ3

Jake primarily builds inshore rods, but dabbles in larger species sticks occasionally. This rod is for a guy who’s going to both daytime swordfish and grouper troll. He went with SiN (Silicone Nitride) guides with a Winthrop Roller Tip to be able to withstand wire line. SiN guides are primarily used for large offshore rods, because of their durability and ability to withstand wire. This also makes them great alligator fishing rod guides. Jake built this on the popular DD80 blank that he cut down to 4’1 to match a set of rods the customers already has.
Jake Hutcheson - Social Media & Content Creation
Florida Gators Spinning Rod for Dad
Parts List in Saved Shopping Cart: https://mudhole.com/a/saved-carts/9QBVE859

I, social media Jake (who’s writing this), was fishing with my dad recently, who asked for a bass rod and 2 surf rods. I don’t like boring builds, even when the customer (Dad) requests simple (all black). So, a Florida Gators rod it is. It got a Fuji TCH reel seat (I requested my Christmas bonus early), with a Metallic Green MHX SJ842 and orange and blue ProWrap Threads. After fishing this same size 15 TCH seat on an inshore rod a few months ago, I seriously don’t know if I’ll ever use another reel seat for a spinning rod. The shape and size of it could not feel better in your hand. Having built dozens of Gators rods over the years I’ve found that the deep MHX green with orange and blue threads complement the build and colors better than, say, a white or slate blank. This rod will look similar to the rod we built with the UF Bass Fishing Team and Gators Head Coach Billy Napier a few years ago.
Phillip Diaz - Lead Multimedia Designer
Frog & All Around Heavy Rod with New Reel Seat
Parts List in Saved Shopping Cart: https://mudhole.com/a/saved-carts/YOM4OVL3

Phil needs a new frog rod. He built a 7’3” Heavy MB874 that he loves to fish, but hates to look at. Many times, we find ourselves hearing or thinking about a bite anywhere from Tuesday to Thursday in the week, immediately walk down to the warehouse to buy parts for it, and rush to build it for the weekend. This rod was no different. We got excited about a potential frog bite (there was one, we smoked 'em), and Phil rushed out his new frog rod. Although a small detail, after fishing it a few times, Phil realized he used a TWC Tapered Winding Check to transition from the reel seat to the blank, but then also put a thread wrap in front of it. Usually, you’d do one or the other, a TWC or a thread ramp. Aesthetically, with the style we build for bass rods (Scenko Stix esque), both together is gross. So, Phil’s building another and he’s going to try a new blank. He’s going to upgrade from the Mag Taper MB874 to the MHX Elite Pro NEPS86HF 7’2 Heavy. This build will also sport a brand-new reel seat that you will find more about soon!
Bob McKamey – Customer Relations & Sales

Bob has been “Guide Kit Man” as of late. Creating the newly popular American Tackle TiForged & Salvo Guide Kits, he’s back in action working on more. He showed me a sales report a few weeks ago that showed his kits flying off the chart. I went by his house later that night to hang out and he was still flying high off the sales! Yea boa!"
Check out the full video of all of their builds to see the rods in depth!